Blade Runner 2049: Neo-Noir par Excellence

(A review by Mehak Wadhwa and Lia Elizabeth Thomas) Blade Runner 2049 is not your typical sci- fi film. It is slow but deliberately so; cynical yet hopeful, dark yet enlightening, and finally, existential to its very core. From only its first few moments, Blade Runner– the sequel to Ridley Scott’s iconic original neo- noir…

Inside Out: A Concert of Emotions

(A review by Jessiah Anu Thomas and Michelle Rogers) Released by Pixar Animation Studios in 2015, Inside Out is an animated masterpiece directed by Pete Docter and Ronaldo Del Carmen. It is a coming-of-age film that takes us on a captivating journey into the complexities of human emotions. The story revolves around Riley, an 11-year-old…

Lost in Translation: Strangers in a New Light

(A review by Tanmayta and Sonali Nawab) “Let’s never come here again because it would never be as much fun” This famous quote from Lost in Translation sets the tone for a film that beautifully captures the themes of connection, self-discovery and transience. Directed by Sofia Coppola, the film is about two lost souls, Bob…

La La Land: the Interplay of Lights in the City of Stars

A review by Soumya Jain and Shravya Rastogi “Here’s to the ones who dream Foolish as they may seem Here’s to the hearts that ache Here’s to the mess we make.” Whether it’s in the realm of architecture or cinematography, it’s a common understanding that effective lighting can craft a captivating ambiance and lead to…