500 Days of Labour?: How Women Characters Are Burdened With Changing the Lives of Men

By: Shaunika Sharma Let’s admit it, most of us love our share of rom-coms unabashedly, while some of us continue to consume them a bit more discretely for fear of being shamed. Although it is important to stop shaming ourselves and others for indulging in the things we enjoy, and to accept the significance of…

Bollywood’s Latest Obsession- the Man-Child

By: Brinda Mathur A man-child is exactly what the name suggests- a grown man simply refusing to be an adult. He has no aim in life, is immature and attention-seeking, and knows nothing about being responsible. Our desi man-child is also probably afraid of commitment and doesn’t really want to settle down with a single…

Makeover Trope

By: Dania Santhosh Before going out to party, it’s a given that we dress up. If friends are getting ready together there might be some makeup experiments. Trying on something new is not necessarily bad; if it provides you with some confidence, go ahead with it, because at the end of the day you are…