Russian Doll

BY Erende Sangma Russian Doll, created by Natasha Lyonne, Amy Poehler, and Leslye Headland features an all-women writing and directing team. I watched the entire season in one sitting and I can only say,  Russian Doll is the best thing I’ve watched so far this year.  Russian Doll stars Orange is the New Black actor Natasha Lyonne as the…

Conversations With a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes

BY: Aalokitaa Basu Smart, witty, charming, a former social worker and a political campaign activist – not quite the set of words you would use to describe a serial killer, isn’t it? But for any of you who have even for a bit read into true crime or watched some documentaries on serial killers and…

As Good As It Gets

By: Garima Agarwal A perfect portrayal of what a person looks like when going through Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or famously called OCD. In the movie, it is marked by repetitive behaviours of the protagonist Melvin Udall like going to the same restaurant, eating the same food, throwing away a bar of soap once used, even…


BY Divina Sethi Ever since I made my IMDB account, it has been forcing me to watch the suspense action thriller Oldboy (2003- The original Korean version, not the terrible Hollywood ripoff) Set in 1980s South Korea, this thriller tells a (initially) frustrating, gruesome, vengeful and eventually sad story of a man kidnapped and illegally…

Cable Girls

By: Jhilam Gangopadhyay When I decided to start watching Cable Girls, it was honestly because I felt like I had nothing better to watch and decided to give the show a try. I was told that the show actually had a strong feminist and progressive message, but I didn’t really expect much. These kinds of…


By: Shreya Ghosh Mindhunter is one of those shows which draws you in quickly and effortlessly. Based on a book, it is about the FBI’s profiling of serial killers for the first time, which began with two FBI agents who dared to think out of the box. The concept of wanton killing, of continuous murders…


BY: Vanessa Ross Netflix has a wide range of international shows and this one happens to be one of those. Elite is a Spanish thriller and is definitely worth your while! This Netflix original premiered in 2018 and has one season as of now. It follows the lives of 3 “non-elite” kids- Samuel, Christian and…

Velvet Buzzsaw

BY: Vidushi Kumar Velvet Buzzsaw is the kind of movie that changes the definition of cinematic horror. It incorporates a new theme, creative visualisation and a wild concept. Trust Dan Gilroy to make such a film after his genius work in The Nightcrawler. Jake Gyllenhaal gives yet another riveting performance as the icy and feared…

Lost in Space 

BY Pranjal Bhandari The Netflix series ‘Lost In Space’  was  released in May last year and it has had its part of buzz in the industry. A science fiction like none other, it’s simply breathtaking! Humankind’s project- mostly scientists to be specific- of leaving Earth with the purpose of making a colony on a new…

Orange is the New Black

BY: Shraddha Kumar Orange is the New Black was one of Netflix’s breakout original series, and even now, on the brink of its seventh and final season, remains iconic. The first season is loosely based on Piper Kerman’s book of the same name, where she talks about her experiences of spending a year and a…