
BY: Taralika Singh The meaning of the word ‘Parched’ is the feeling of being very thirsty. Leena Yadav’s film Parched is set in a desert village of Rajasthan, where the women suffer the atrocities of a sexually repressed Patriarchal and abusive Society. Their status is low and they thirst in more ways than one. The…


By Apoorva Dubey This movie is directed by Anand L Rai and is written by Himanshu Sharma; it has been produced by Gauri Khan. The leading actors are Shahrukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif. There were numerous other actors who were casted in the movie for a cameo role including the late Sridevi. Again,…

Before I Fall

Before You Are Looped BY: Pihu Pathania Before I Fall is a movie I would begin by saying is not everybody’s type. Though the trailer seems very intriguing and makes one tap on a new tab to start downloading the movie. The movie is based on a very unconventional idea, one that is not widely…

The Bechdel Test

BY: Shraddha Kumar Moonlight. Ratatouille. The Avengers. La La Land. The Imitation Game. Apart from all being (in my opinion)  fantastic movies, there’s one more thing these movies have in common- they all fail the Bechdel Test. Now what is the Bechdel Test, you might ask? Initially put forth in a comic strip by Alison…

The Divergent Series

BY: Garima Agarwal Major spolier alert, you’ve been warned.. The Divergent series consists of three movies- the Divergent, the Insurgent and the Allegiant. The second part of Allegiant storyline is yet to appear. I have grown up watching and loving fantasy movies, some of them being, The Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia etc. I have always…

Stuck in Love

BY Divina Sethi “I remember that it hurt, looking at her hurt.” The first nine words uttered in the film are enough to have every romantic (and believer) hooked. From the moment I saw it three years ago, Stuck in Love has been one of my favourite films- it never fails to make me feel…


BY Smriti Girish Up follows Carl, an old widower, who goes off on an adventure in his flying house in search of “Paradise Falls”, his late wife’s dream destination. Directed by Pete doctor and Bob Peterson, Up has won tons of accolades including Golden Globes and Academy awards. My weirdness with watching sad things meant…